The 2024 Florida Election Study survey is in the field.
Our Research
The Institute supports research on a broad range of issues, from school choice and educational attainment to sustainability and climate gentrification to the state’s pension and financing. The Institute’s work has been reported on in almost every major daily paper in Florida.
Executive leadership and research fellows at the Institute have also been asked to testify in front of legislative committees, speak to interested groups and continue to be quoted in related articles and editorials on the topics studied by the Institute.
DECEMBER 2024: Postelection Audit Website
MAY 2024. Florida Election Study 2022
APRIL 2024. 2022 New Mexico Election Administration, Voter Security, and Election Reform Report
MARCH 2023. Special District Report
AUGUST 2022. Florida 2020 Election Report
JULY 2022. Adequacy and Equity in Capital Funding for Florida’s Public Schools
MARCH 2022. Parents, Peers, and Political Participation: Social Influence Among Roommates
JANUARY 2022. Addressing Climate Driven Displacement
JULY 2021. Cooperation and Conflict in Florida’s Response to COVID-19
FEBRUARY 2021. Better Choices: Evidence-Based Policymaking Can Improve Florida’s Outcomes
FEBRUARY 2020 Florida Charter Schools: Not as Good, or as Bad, as Advertised
MAY 2019. Good News & Bad News: An Update of Florida Pension Plan’s Grades
JANUARY 2018. Debt Obligations in Florida Cities and Counties
OCTOBER 2017. Patterns of Resegregation in Florida’s Schools
SEPTEMBER 2017. Desegregation in Florida Schools: Separate is Not Equal Conference. Sept. 27.
SEPTEMBER 2016. Meeting the Needs of Florida: The Florida College System Past and Future
APRIL 2016. The Financial Challenges of Retiree Healthcare Subsidies in Florida Cities and Counties
AUGUST 2015. Money in Politics Reforms in Florida: Initial Impacts and Comparison to Other States
FEBRUARY 2015. Beyond Pensions: Florida Local Governments and Retiree Health Benefits
SEPTEMBER 2014. Report Card Update: Florida Municipal Pension Plans
JULY 2014. Hidden in Plain Sight: Florida Special Districts—Executive summary
JULY 2014. Community Development Districts: Financial and Accountability issues
JULY 2014. Piecing Together the Governing Puzzle: An Exploration of Florida’s Special Districts